German Kurzhaar von der Erlenwiese
The dog does not grow up at the AIM,
but on his way there.
Welcome to our website!
About me
My name is Michaela Beck, I am born in 1967, married and mother of two sons. Firstfruess-leader since Oct. 2016 and proud owner of a bitch of the breed German-Kurzhaar, which I lead in practice and on tests. As a long-time show jumper (since 35 years) up to the heavy class national and international, the contact and the training with animals - whether horse or dog - was my everyday life. But in 2007 a ski accident changed everything and with a heavy heart I ended up not getting into the saddle anymore. The first years were hard and full of tears - my anchor was that I had my hobby as a profession (Beck+Heun Reitsport Manufaktur) and could find a great new home for my successful mare "Casablanca". When I had to let our "Pico", a little harlequin poodle, cross the rain bridge at the age of 18, it became quiet at home.
And then it happened - I got to know SINA and was in love. It was prepared for the Solms near me and was to be sold afterwards. I didn't have to think long and so Sina moved in with Derby and Solms in first place, HN and usability in October 2016. Easter 2017 I got the hunting license to be able to lead Sina on by myself.
In the same year in October the VGP1 (324P.) /ÜF 4h and the Bringtreue followed. In 2018 we achieved the marks of the Saujager (Sj) and Verlorenbringer (Vbr.) with the passed Verbandsschweißprüfung in May we fulfilled all requirements for the 43rd Dr. Kleemann Zuchtausleseprüfung in Viöl, which Sina passed all with 4 and FW Excellent. Sina and I have grown together to a team and during the examination career the learned was already put into practice.
Sina has proven herself not only in small game hunting, but also in searching for cloven-hoofed game and looking for sows. Just full-use dog work. The hunting performance of Sina and the desire to train a hunting companion from my bitch from the ground up made me decide to register a DK kennel. Sina is firmly integrated into our family life and proves her unrestricted strength of character in dealing with our children and grandchildren on a daily basis.
My breeding goal is to breed dogs of the breed German-Kurzhaar, which fully meet all the requirements of hunting practice, to be trained by everyone, to lead and also to be saddle stable in the family.
Yesterday and today
My companions

